
Finally, we're here. The piece is packed and ready to transport to site and infinite install to-do lists have been made. But what's that, weather report? Rain forecast all day and night? 

Excuse me, but there is no other way of saying this...

F*****g wunderbar.

Remember this photo?

This was taken 6 weeks ago. Look at us: no idea what's ahead. 
This team, though, has persevered through the late nights, early mornings, layering coat after coat of PVA glue on what seemed like an endless amount of stockings, welding, bending, shaping, sewing, and gluing and throughout it all we've still managed to find the hilarity in almost everything. Perspective is a wonderful thing. Mind you, lack of sleep and 2am sugar hits tend to make most things funny. 

It seems that every step of the way we have had drama after drama, so what's one more, right? We've come way too far to let a bit of water ruin it now. 

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